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2012 Laughton Naval History Lecture - The War of 1812 at the Bicentenary (Andrew Lambert)
2012 Laughton Naval History Lecture The War of 1812 at the Bicentenary Andrew Lambert
War of 1812 Bicentennial Anniversary, with Professor Andrew Lambert
War of 1812 200th Anniversary, Andrew Lambert
Professor Andrew Lambert discussed the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo
Professor Andrew Lambert discussed the Dutch Raid on the Medway
Nelson and the Development of the British Royal Navy through the 19th Century - Dr Andrew Lambert
Review: Seapower States by Andrew Lambert
Navy's Advanced Technology and Design during the War of 1812
Rescuing Maritime Strategy from the Continental Commitment: Gallipoli and Jutland by Andrew Lambert
Week 08 Lecture 03 The War of 1812 and the American System
"THE OTHER CRIMEAN WAR" by Professor Andrew Lambert